Back in the day, my father told me, shirts used to be sold meticulously folded in beautiful packages. As a young man, a student, he used to look at those fine shirts from display windows wishing he could one day buy one. According to him, those shirts were made to last. When you finally owned one, he told me, you cherished it, carefully tending to its quality, and reserved it for special occasions, those shirts lasted for decades at times.

It is now a forgotten era of human existence, before mass consumption and mass production, that fashion was a handicraft, a skill, you bought less, but you loved your clothes, you took care of them, and they lasted. And when you wore them, on those special occasions, you not only felt good, but you also looked stunning.

We strive to recapture that lost essence. We seek to distance ourselves from the fast fashion industry and its cheaply made, disposable clothing, a return to craft. Today, most clothes are of inferior quality and barely withstand a few wears before they fade into oblivion or end up discarded in our wardrobes.

This era of mass production and ceaseless consumption not only places a significant burden on our fragile environment, depleting resources and causing immeasurable pollution and human suffering, but it has also deprived us of the joy of adorning ourselves with garments we truly adore. Something precious has been lost: the feeling of beauty and pride.

Our philosophy encourages to buy less, and buy with discernment, focusing on quality, beauty, and craftsmanship. We envision a future where fashion is sustainable, truly, where each purchase carries meaning and intention. By embracing this approach, we wish to not only contribute to the well-being of our planet, but also to empower you in restoring the love for what you wear and how you look. 


TEMPERATURE: When caring for lyocell products, remember that lower temperatures are better. Use a gentle cycle with 30°C for washing, and opt for low temperatures when drying and ironing. Whenever possible, air out, hand wash, and air dry your clothes to avoid high temperatures.

WASHING: Minimize unnecessary washes to preserve the garment’s lifespan. Opt for airing out or hand washing when possible. When machine washing, use low temperatures (30°C) and wash similar colors together. Avoid dry cleaning, bleach, and excessive use of laundry detergent.

DRYING: Skip the dryer and drying cabinets. Hang garments to air dry instead. Avoid squeezing or twisting the fabric

IRONING: Use a low temperature (up to 110°C) recommended by the fabric manufacturer. Test lower temperatures first. Steam irons are suitable. Iron dark garments inside out to avoid shine. Clean the iron beforehand. Start with larger sections, then sleeves. Avoid circular motions to prevent stretching. Let the iron do the work and don’t press too hard. Ironing relaxes lyocell fibers and restores softness. Allow the garment to rest after ironing.

STORAGE: Store garments in a well-ventilated area, folded neatly. Avoid plastic containers or airtight storage. Use breathable options like fabric bags or cotton bins. Keep the storage space clean, protected from sunlight, pests, and humidity to preserve garment quality.